Live Archive: Streets of Roo-ge 4
Happy Australia Day! What better way to celebrate than to play through Streets of Rage 4 as a Kangaroo!
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Happy Australia Day! What better way to celebrate than to play through Streets of Rage 4 as a Kangaroo!
Continue ReadingGot lucky enough with the Upgrades in Survival Mode to surpass level 30 and cheese my way to the I Am The One Achievement in Mr X. Nightmare DLC.
Continue ReadingJoined by the lovely Halo Crew of GitGudGar, ValVerdian and FullyTrainedNoob for my 32nd Birthday Party on the Streets Of Rage on Hard Mode and an attempt at Mania+ and Mania Modes!
Continue ReadingMore grinding survival mode for them achievements, unlocking Moves for Blaze, Skate and Axel.
Continue ReadingMore survival grinding with our last Streets of Rage 4 character, Floyd, and getting started on Streets Of Rage 1 and 2 characters with Axel, Adam, Blaze, Max and Axel again!
Continue ReadingMore survival mode and some discovered Cheese strats with Estel, Cherry and Flloyd.
Continue ReadingGrinding and achievement hunting in Streets Of Rage 4 Survival Mode. Already have all of Axel and Shiva’s alternate moves unlocked so time to work on Adam, Blaze, Max and a bit of Estel!
Continue ReadingBack on the bad streets of Wood Oak City in Streets Of Rage 4 with the new DLC Mr. X Nightmare. But we’re not alone we’re raging with its_justjason so check him out too
Continue ReadingHave wanted to do this Meme run of Streets Of Rage for 4/20 for years, now its finally happened. Not enough content in SoR 1 for a stream so might as well do the original trilogy and add SoR 2 and SoR 3….and if i’m going to do the trilogy I suppose I better do […]
Continue ReadingReturning to the Streets of Rage with GitGudGar and attempting Arcade Mode on Hard Difficulty!
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