(Live) Yakuza Kiwami 2 – Kiwami means Extreme (2)
Happy December – Yakuza 2 is a Christmas game so we playing it! Casual playthrough to get the Windows 10 Achievements Also Kiwami means Extreme
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Happy December – Yakuza 2 is a Christmas game so we playing it! Casual playthrough to get the Windows 10 Achievements Also Kiwami means Extreme
Continue ReadingHappy December – Yakuza 2 is a Christmas game so we playing it! Casual playthrough to get the Windows 10 Achievements Also Kiwami means Extreme
Continue ReadingFinishing up Yakuza Kiwami on Game Pass for PC with the third and final stream
Continue ReadingHappy New Year, my gift to you is the 2nd Part of Yakuza Kiwami!
Continue ReadingChristmas is here and what better way to celebrate than to start playing Japanese Die Hard starring Kazuma Kiryu
Continue ReadingFinishing up our first adventure with Kazuma Kiryu and Goro Majima and the final 3 chapters of Yakuza 0
Continue ReadingBack for the penultimate Yakuza 0 stream with four more chapters and taking ValVerdian’s new chatbot for a test drive in it’s closed beta. Chapter 11-12 with Goro Majima Chapter 13-14 with Kazuma Kiryu
Continue ReadingContinuing the stream playthrough of Yakuza 0 with 3 more chapters. Chapter 8 with Goro Majima and chapters 9 and 10 with Kazuma Kiryu and the stories are starting to entwine!
Continue ReadingContinuing the stream playthrough of Yakuza 0 and things are getting complicated for Kazuma Kiryu and Goro Majima with three more chapters. Chapters 5 & 6 with Kiryu Chapter 7 with Majima
Continue ReadingHad a bit of a hiatus after Yakuza 0 came off GamePass and finally able to buy it! The Mad Dog and Dragon of Dojima are back as we check in on the orijins of Goro Majima and Kazuma Kiryu.
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