Round 3 Part 62
Eddie Guerrero (WWE/WCW) vs Gaits (Cyberbots)
Charlotte (Blaz Blue) vs Cutman (Mega Man)
Eggman Empire: Dr. Robotnik, Metal Sonic, Mecha Sonic & E-709 Eggbot (Sonic The Hedgehog) vs Snake (Mortal Kombat)
Elmo (Sesame Street) vs Doll Novel (Achievement Hunter Worms)
Placential Slip (AH Worms) vs Zarbon (Dragonball)
Ghost (Mortal Kombat) vs Metool (Megaman)
Daoloth (Metal Slug) vs Mr. Hooper (AH Worms)
Akatsuki (Akatsuki Blitzkampf) Vs The Legendary Sennin of The Leaf, Jiraiya The Gallant, Tsunade Senju & Orochimaru (Naruto)